Pining for pine?
Heading east in 1972, California girl, my mom, affectionately known as LouLou, along with her husband, 6 kids, dog and cat, left her home with everything she owned including a collection of California giant pinecones. These pinecones remained in their packing box until 1986. That year, during a closet clean out, LouLou looked at me and said, “Do you think you can use these?”
Married with one child and just starting out with my own family traditions, we had little money for holiday decor, and our Christmas tree was pretty sparse. Wiring the pine cones to old artificial tree branches and then attaching to a wire coat hanger for the hook, these pinecone “branches were placed in strategic spots on the Christmas tree adding a fullness and natural beauty. To this day, they are still a part of every Christmas (pictured in the bottom right photo).
In a continuance of this tradition, we have hand gathered pinecones from our new farm in the Northern Neck and created our own pinecone offering (see top left photo). Each pine cone has been washed, soaked, dried and packaged by the dozen in a beautiful bushel basket to be delivered to you just in time for the holiday season! Check out all of our pine products if you are pine lovers like us!
To create our own collections of pinecones for you, I developed my own process of cleaning and drying pincones through many hours of trial and error. If you would like to try it yourself, use these steps below:
Now go out and….
Find Your Fancy!