My 5 Favorite Tools for any DIY Project
DIYing is my happy place. It’s a great hobby that allows me to flex my creative wings and stay active and fit. I love updating different rooms in my house without having to pay an arm and a leg for a carpenter. My dad was a general contractor for many years, and I learned so much watching my mom and dad do DIY projects in our homes over the years. In that same spirit, I love sharing little DIY moments with my own kids. We’ll see which one of them gets the DIY bug! :-)
My DIY Dining Room Wall. Table Setting features: Jasper Taper Candle Holders, TarHong Melamine Dish Ware, Roly Poly Decanters, Wabisabi Drinking Glasses, and Kinsley Tea Towels.
We all have our favorite DIY Tools. Here are just 5 of the DIY tools that I can’t live without. I use these on almost every project!
Whether I’m hanging wallpaper or creating a feature wall, my RYOBI Laser Cube is a must have. It’s compact and easy to use with one hand compared to a traditional level, allowing me to make my guide marks easily with the other hand. You can get this level for $22 at Home Depot.
2. Kobalt 24-Volt Max Lithium Ion (Li-ion) 1/2-in Cordless Brushless Drill with Battery and Soft Case
The old 18V Kobalt drill that I use is so reliable, it has lasted over 20 years. It’s so old that they don’t even make it any more. The closest thing is the new Kobalt 24-Volt Lithium Ion cordless drill with battery. I use it for every project for drilling guide holes, using with the pocket hole jig, putting on cabinet doors, or screwing in screws. You can get the drill without a battery on amazon for $69, but the drill with the battery costs $130 on Amazon. Best $130 you can spend!
3 and 4. Porter-Cable Air Compressor and Pneumatic Nail Gun
Air Compressor and Pneumatic Nail Gun
This nail gun by Paslode is still hanging in there after 20 years! I use this nail gun for every project I do at the house. It is 18 gauge, so if you are needing a larger gauge nail for stronger hold - they sell a very similar 16 gauge Paslode Pneumatic Finish Nailer for $163 on Amazon. This nail gun is easy to use and great for the DIYer that is just starting out. You get a lot of nail gun at a lower price when you opt for a pneumatic nailer that uses an air compressor, and you don’t have to worry about having a charged battery. There are more expensive finish nailers that are battery cell powered in the $300-350 range.
The Porter-Cable 6 Gallon Air Compressor gets the job done. It’s very easy to use and builds pressure quickly. It holds pressure well, making all my home improvement projects quick and efficient. It costs anywhere from $170-200 on Amazon or Home Depot.
My finished DIY Mudroom Project
Every serious DIYer needs a good tape measure. My dad got me this tape measure, and I love it. It’s heavy duty and the rubber makes it pretty damage proof when you (or your little helpers) inevitably drop it while on the job. It costs $20 at Walmart.
My DIY Bedroom Wall. Bedding features: Extra Large Knit Blanket and an assortment of pillows.
Let me know your favorite DIY tools in the comments!
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